There are 3 ways to change your existing password.
1) If you are already logged into the CRM, go to your Profile page and change your password there.
Go to login page, click 'Forgot password' and submit your email address on file. This will send a
ONE TIME use Reset Password email to that email address.
If you or your System Admin change your password before you get to this email, the link in this email will not be valid anymore. If your link from the email is not working, just resubmit the Forgot Password form, chances are you or an admin already changed your password and the link is not be valid anymore. Still having problems? Go to #3 below.
3) Have your System Admin change your password. Within the CRM, you must be logged in as your company's System Administrator. In the menu go to Admin --> Users. Click EDIT on the user and update their password accordingly.